Blockages and Hindrances

Hey Yall!

Today I want to speak to you all about blockages and hindrances in the Spirit.

When I think about blockages in hindrances I automatically think of

disruptions in the spirit

meaning things that could be blocking and hindering you from growing to getting more connected with God and fulfilling and walking in your gifts with full authority. Let’s discuss how those blockages occur and then how you can move past them.

Sinning can cause blockages in our connection to God. We can understand that we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity, but we are reborn once we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. But even those born again, can fall into sin causing disconnection from God; why is that? I found that the areas not fully submitted to God leave room for sin to creep in. When a lack of submission occurs it stems from a place of unbelief, distrust, or lacking faith in the sovereignty of God.

When we haven't relinquished that thought or completely surrender ourselves to God, it can open access to sin, demonic influences, and demonic spirits. When I mention demonic influence and spirits it's not meant to be something that's spooky or like the movies. This influence affects your everyday life. Things like sadness, depression, anger, rage, malice, and unforgiveness; all those different emotions can also make way for strongholds in your life.

I'll give you an example…

So, I used to struggle with anger, really badly. It wasn't all the time and it was only certain things or people that would trigger me. I remember the first time I recognized this, my body would feel it. I got so angry that I felt it in the pit of my stomach. There was a heat swirling inside; it traveled up to the back of my neck and then to the front of my neck. I was so hot! I was physically hot to the touch! As soon as I like released and went off, I was extinguished.

That experience told me that there was something happening physiologically and I understood, it wasn’t normal. I started looking further into it and found a teaching that describes deliverance, spiritual and demonic influences. It was familiar to me based on my experience.

Anger is just one of the things that I've been delivered from, there are still some things I need to be delivering from and that’s okay, it’s a marathon not a sprint. I was blessed enough to have people around me that understood spiritual matters. One of my mentors whom I absolutely love referred to this book called, Pigs in the Parlor written by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond. This book is all about demonic influences. It’s quite amazing! Spirits can really impact your life, but there's a way around it, and get completely delivered and live in complete freedom.

So again, the topic is blockages and hindrances…

If you find that there are certain things that you just can't seem to move past. You try with all your might; you want to do better; but there is an urging, there is a physical pulling in you that you can’t seem to control. If you keep trying and you have every thought and intention to do things differently, but for some reason, it won't happen. It could be demonic spirits influence your behaviors, your desires, and your actions.

Blockages and hindrances are influenced by spiritual matters. If that's something that you have identified, or you are starting to think about those different things, It may be something deeper. If you're a believer this is something that you need to be aware of. Because if you're struggling to walk according to God's command it may not be a self-discipline thing, it could be something else, underlying that's preventing you from really fulfilling the connection God wants to have with you. I would be willing to bet that is due to demonic influence.




Devastation in Belief