Trusting in the Lord….

Hey Yall!

So let’s talk about trusting in the Lord. This simple statement of trusting in the Lord holds so much weight I could almost be crushed by it. I think of the very nature of God as an all- powerful, all holy, all knowing, infinite God and wonder what’s not to trust?

Because God is holy and in fact the only holy being there is, he is therefore the only being truly worthy of complete trust. He created the entire universe, along with me and every other thing that has ever existed, so, he knows how I should function and what should be added or subtracted to me to make me closer to His divine image. So what’s the problem?

The problem is trusting that he will give me the desire of my heart, let me explain.

I trust God to certain degree. Like I trust Him to supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. I trust Him to be a deliverer, a healer, a way maker and most of all a Father that loves me. Its only the desires I desperately want, that limits my trust in God.

God is a God of order. He orchestrates every single detail of existence, which is amazing right?! Right! But what happens when the thing I desperately desire is not the thing I can have right now, or even at all because it conflicts with God’s strategic plan or order for my life? That very question is the one that causes instability in my trust with God. I often wonder, “does this desire line up with the will of God?” If our desires line up with the will of God, then I have no reason to doubt that I’ll receive said desire.

I’m reminded of the scripture,

“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it” Proverbs 10:22.

Every blessing from the Lord has no accompanied sorrow, which to me, translates as no sadness or turmoil. So, when God blesses a thing, it’s amazing and beyond compare.

Let’s say for instance, a single girl wants to be married. Now marriage within itself is ordained by God and was created for us to be fruitful and multiply and to mirror the love God has for His church. It is a good desire and in accordance with God’s plan for mankind. But if said single woman is still filled with loneliness, bitterness, strife, and such, that woman is not in a position to be a wife.

Does that mean that woman would never be a wife?

Absolutely not! God wants us to come forth as pure gold so whatever process He wants to take us through so that we can be pure, He’ll do it. The desire to be a wife cannot, should not and will not override the need to be purged and sanctified. When you’re precious to God, he will do whatever is needed to get the greatest glory from your life.  

I brought up that illustration to drive home the point that if I haven’t been purified enough to obtain my desire, I can lean to my own understanding and believe that I won’t ever obtain my desire, which leads to the lack of trust in God’s willingness to give me my desires. So, what do I do? Great question! A part of what I do, I already mentioned. I try not to lean on my own understanding. There’s a popular statement that says, “delayed not denied”. I hold on to that phrase because I know that just because the promise is not currently in front of me, doesn’t mean it’s not coming.

Additionally, I pray for God to purify my heart and put His desires in my heart. I love this prayer because if my heart is pure, then I can receive God’s desires and if my desires line up with God’s desires then He will give them to me because His Word says, He’ll give me the desires of my heart. See how that works together? It’s one of those things that can be applied to every area of your life.

Mine just happens to be my singleness. Yours could be your financial stability and someone else’s could be their child’s salvation. Whatever it may be for you, I encourage you to Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart… every concern, worry, sensitive place, hard topic, everything affecting your heart; give it to God. Lean not to your own understanding, and He will direct your path. He will lead and guide you on how to navigate anything before you. Be encouraged babies! Be blessed and be a blessing to others. Talk to yall soon! Bye~


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