Procrastination and God's Timing

So let's talk about procrastination and the condemnation that comes with it. Procrastination is one of those things we don't realize we’re doing until the thing we were actually supposed to be doing is past due or right upon us. 

Once the realization has set it, the guilt, shame, and condemnation quickly follow suit. For some of us, it's enough to make us get up and move, and for others like myself, the desire to avoid the unpleasantness of those emotions drives us never to complete the task altogether.

I heard a quote long ago…

T.D. Jakes states, “Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you tomorrow what you were told to do today”.

… I remember thinking at the time, “I’m not arrogant, I just don’t want to do it” lol! It sounds simple but it's far from that.

We often procrastinate in the areas in which we feel inadequate. Now that inadequacy can derive from being ill-prepared or laziness or even feeling unqualified. In any scenario, the trick is to dissect each lie and tackle it at the root. For instance, if you’re ill-prepared, dive into the material and start studying. I know it sounds like an oversimplification of the matter but in all honesty, you must make a decision to just get started, and why not now. Most of life's biggest challenges come down to some rather simple actions and decisions. Make the decision to act no matter what! You deserve the effort it takes to see your dreams realized!

To shift just a bit back to the feelings that come from procrastination; Condemnation. This feeling can manifest itself in ways that are not always readily recognized. When you replay how you should’ve; could’ve; would’ve; and how you would be further along if you had started when originally intended and so on. It's a waste of time. That energy spent replaying your mistakes could be spent acting now!

Condemnation is a waste of time!

While I was procrastinating writing this post, a story in the Bible came to mind. It was about Gideon found in Judges chapter 6. Gideon was commanded to go into battle but he was scared. He asked God to confirm if he was actually supposed to go into battle several different times. His uncertainty and fear caused him to not act but continue to seek confirmation. I saw this as a type of procrastination. The thing that I appreciated in this account is how God showed grace and mercy to Gideon. God allowed all the tests and confirmations meanwhile aligning an encounter with enemy forces where they stated how fearful they were of the armies of God. God’s grace and mercy allowed the procrastination to be in line with His divine timing while giving Gideon the confidence needed to act. 

Now is this an endorsement for procrastination? NO! Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? By No Means!

So no, please don't allow this post to aid in you neglecting your responsibilities, instead allow it to release you from condemnation and push you toward action. I’m praying that as we move, God’s grace and mercy will meet us on the road to destiny. I’m praying that we will encounter something that boosts our confidence all the more and that we accomplish that which is set before us. Be encouraged, yall! Let's get moving!

Be blessed and be a blessing to others,


Becoming an honorable person….


How to hear from God…