Don’t Die In Transition…
Hey Yall…
This topic is so important to understand because it’s based on the ability not to lose sight of the promises of God; the bigger picture if you will. I want to take you on a bit of a journey so you can grasp the full extent of this message.
Let’s start by taking a look at the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt as documented in the Bible. They lost sight of the promise God gave them. While the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, their cries reached God. God promised to give their fathers; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, a land flowing with milk and honey. So while the Israelites were becoming a nation, the promised land was being prepared for them.
God showed a mighty display of power and sovereignty when bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. In their freedom, they were being led by the very presence of God. However, the challenging part came by way of the Israelites’ perspective on the matter. As they sojourned on their journey to their promised destination they got scared. In their fear, they lost their faith that God could deliver what He promised. They started asking things like, “Did you bring us out here to die? We could’ve died in Egypt.” They forgot about the very nature of who God is. In their ignorance, they doubted that God could feed them, give them water, sustain them… The same God that just showed His incredible power in Egypt; they lost sight of Who their God is.
I want us to think about this and apply it to our own lives. How many times have you prayed for something and it was answered in a way you didn’t expect? Could you even recognize it as an answered prayer? This inability to recognize and discern when God is moving in our lives is a huge hindrance to obtaining the promises of God. If you lose sight of where God is leading and guiding you, you will surely die in transition. My plea to you is
Don’t Die in Transition
Do not die in your transition from bondage to freedom; from prayer request to prayer answered; from the idea to the fruition; Do not die in transition! Do not lose your faith in transition! Every single person that lived in Egypt that was delivered to the promised land, died in that transition. Hundreds of thousands of people died due to their heart posture and lack of belief. Only two out of hundreds of thousands of people chose not to lose sight of God's promises and lived! When we “die” in transition we forfeit our inheritance. We don’t get to see and obtain that which God has set before us. Instead, because of His goodness, the promise will pass to our children and prosperity. But I choose to believe that our gracious Father is allowing us time to change our hearts toward Him and obtain everything He has ordained. If this is you, choose today to see the error of your ways and step into your destiny. Repent for your thoughts toward our Father. Repent for your ungratefulness and unbelief. Pray for God’s forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Ask Him if there is anything else in you that would prevent you from walking fully into your destiny. Ask Him for strategy and grace to remove those obstacles in Jesus’ name! Finally, determine within yourself that you will gain a closer relationship with our Father so that you will never lose your faith in Him again.